Wednesday 30 July 2014

Behind the scenes - Day 3

I am unable to report that the Portaloos have been located in their permanent home, but there have been several new Portacabins erected in the car park outside The College.

However, there has been lots of activity in the Project Office today. The two key people here at Edwina Bell, our Project Director on the right, and Marilyn Tyler, Project Administrator. They were a little embarrassed by the state of their office, but as the saying goes ... the camera never lies!

Edwina has been the driving force behind this project since its inception long before I arrived on the scene. It was her vision and energy that created the project and found the funding for it. All I had to do when I got here was to sign the application form.

Marilyn, who doubles as my PA, oversees all the the detail of the project. Together they make quite a team!

The project is not just the building works. We are also busy planning the first exhibition that will take place in the Crypt and the Library has been moved to Maidstone for storage during the build and also to be cataloged. Future posts will introduce our Community Engagement and Interpretation Officer and our Librarian.

Also key to the success of the whole thing is our encouragement of volunteers guides and welcomers. Again we have a member of staff overseeing this who will feature soon!

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