Monday, 18 August 2014

Demolition - Day 16

Today's work in the Cathedral has been all about knocking holes in things!

Back in the 1870's the south side of the Cathedral started to collapse. In typical Victorian fashion, they massively over engineered the shoring up. This included some of the arches in the Crypt. We are now assured that this shoring can come out to open up the space again.

The photo on the left shows what will be the entry into the new wet area for washing up etc.

The picture below shows the area that used to be the Servery and will now open up the view from the entry to the Crypt.

Tomorrow our Archaeologist will come and inspect the work and hopefully give us permission to remove all the infill.

The other area that has seen activity today has been the old vestries underneath the Library. This used to house the Girl Choristers and the Lay Clerks. It was a dingy area which smelt damp and was pretty horrid, if I'm being honest!

It will become a dual use Vestry and Education area. Already the wooden paneling has been removed and you can see that it is going to be a great space which can be sub-divided for different purposes. 

The picture to the right shows the former Lay Clerks area.... Already a great improvement!

Finally for today, here is the Candle Store or, more recently the Embroiderer's Store. It lies the other side of the wall from the first photo, so very soon the light will be let in. This is where the wet area will be.

So, little by little progress is being made even if so far its all about destruction!

Please don't forget that I am looking for guest bloggers, if you would like to have a go, just get in touch with the Cathedral office.01634 843366

1 comment:

  1. The Victorians did rather overdo some of their restoration, so it's wonderful to see the space opening up again! Wonder if there will be anything interesting hiding in the infill?
