Monday, 4 August 2014

Storage Issues - Day 6

One of our big problems at the Cathedral is a lack of storage space. We are small but perfectly formed until it comes to packing things away...

Now we have two new storage areas:

The first is a very ingenious Cube behind the High Altar; completely invisible from the Quire but a very useful and cleverly designed space. The photo on the right shows the space where Altar Frontals will be stored which concertinas into a very small area. It has been designed by our Architects, Carden and Godfrey and built by Workhaus who will do all the exhibition fit out. as an indication of the quality of their work, we are very pleased!

 The second are is what we used to call the Chair Store. This is a late addition to the Nave by the North Transept. It has been transformed into a series of lockable areas for each department of the Cathedral Here is the Flower Arrangers area. From here they produce the most wonderful arrangements that adorn the Cathedral for much of the year.

 This one isn't so good but shows the general area.

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